Day 11 – Hobart Day

Showing such restraint the kids don’t really get up till just before 8.  I’ve got to say an easter egg hunt in a van is really not much of a challenge.

We discussed last night what we’d do today.  I kinda wanted to do a drive down to Bruny Island, but it would be an hour each way to the Ferry, and probably close to an hour each way to drive down to the south of the island and back.  That would be 4 hours for the kids in their seats.

As they all enjoyed the South Australian Museum in Adelaide, we elect to do the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery today.

I’m up making some bacon and eggs on the barby, and a guy walks by and then dives down into the hedges between the sites, “OK, that’s a bit odd” I think, then he say’s he’s just seen a bandicoot in there.  Sure enough this super small bandicoot is hiding in the hedge.  He makes a break and runs under the van, I get enough time to take a couple of photos, but not to let the family know. A few minutes later with everyone outside, he makes another appearance.  So special to see animals like that alive, and not road kill, which is so prevalent.

Anyway.  What a difference a day makes!  We arrive in town around 11, and Hobart central is a ghost town compared to the chaos that was yesterday with the markets.  We find metered parking on the street easily and make our way inside.

On the bottom level they have some geological and some flora and fauna exhibits that are good.  Particularly the one on the thylacine.  There is bit of the indigenous history (before colonization!).  There is an exhibition of the art works of Gay Hawkes, mostly furniture made out of stuff, a bit out there.

On the second floor, there was a great exhibit on the Antarctic missions and exploration.  Including this amazing Lego model of the new Ice Breaker the RSV Nuyina

Finally, there are a couple of galleries dedicated to some paintings and other artworks.

We’re in there for about 2 hours, which for the kids was pretty good, (actually it was pretty good for me too!)

It ends up being a super warm day, up around 26°, as the day wears on, the winds starts to pick up.

We drive to the local shopping centre to get some more supplies.  We’ll be in mostly small towns for the next week.

Finally, a little treat for Caitlin, not far from the van park, at a winery, is a place called Peter Rabbit’s Garden. 


Because Liam wrote a paragraph yesterday, I thought I should too…

We went to the peter rabbit garden. It was cute, and on the fences there were paragraphs of Peter Rabbit the original. Behind the fences where scenes of what was happening in the story and for some reason there was a lamb behind one of the fences but there was not one in the story (weird). Anyway, it was really cute happy and just relaxing. 4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5) I would recommend the peter rabbit garden if you live near Hobart. (and there is a very, very fancy restaurant.)


Back in the park, we’re partially packing up, and the Bandicoot shows up again.  Liam is really patient and gets some great photos and some video before the animal dives into the hedges again.  

As we prepare dinner the wind picks up, we figure we’ll pack away the awning, rather than have the wind bother us overnight.  While getting ready it starts to rain.  Not super heavy, but enough to want to pack everything up ready for our getaway tomorrow morning.

2 Replies to “Day 11 – Hobart Day”

  1. Lucky seeing a bandicoot, wouldn’t it be good to see a Tasmanian Tiger as well. That Lego model Ice Breaker looks awesome.
    Well done Caitlin, you have now made your debut on the blog too. That was a good piece on the Peter Rabbit garden, also agree with you, where did the lamb fit in.
    Hope you enjoyed your Easter eggs.

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