Day 2 – Waterside Walk

A slow start, like most trips, I don’t get the best night sleep on the first day.

There is a bit of early morning fog about today, but we’re sure this will burn off pretty quickly.

There is a short walk that starts right near our campground.  It was closed due to the recent flooding last time Liam and I were here.  All up the loop is meant to be about 5kms.

We start walking up the side of the small tributary near where we’re camped.  From the track we can spot the road into the campground from time to time.   After about a k, we need to cross a small creek, Caitlin mistimes a step and has a wet shoe, but otherwise we’re dry.

We follow the track and eventually come out at a place called the Beehive Pagoda, only to realise this is directly opposite the small beach where we’re camped.  So a 2k walk and we’re probably only a few 100m from the caravan!

We continue along the track towards a place called Cudgegong Picnic Place, I recall last time Kayaking with Liam we paddled right up to the end of the waterway and there was this park bench in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere.   Yep that was the spot….  We stop for a bit of a look around and a rest.

It’s a shorter walk back to complete the loop and we’re back just after 12, just in time for a spot of lunch.

During the afternoon, Liam and I wire up some new Fans I’ve bought for the caravan.  The kids have had small USB fans for their bunks and while OK, they are not the best.  Our bed only has one fan and it’s half covered by the TV so a few weeks back, I said bugger it and bought 3 new ones.  It’s one of those things I really should have done years ago, like the batteries. 

Last week I physically, mounted them.  So one on each bunk and after some discussion we put the third just above the doorway, this will still hit the bed, but can also can be positioned to hit the seating area or kitchen if needed.   Wiring this one up was a pain as it all needed to be done inside the small cabinet above the bed so it was difficult to get tools and hands in such a confined spot.   The two bunk ones where much easier as the wiring was in the large cavity behind the fridge.

Late in the afternoon we finally get the Kayak down and roll it down to the water.  There are heaps of other kayaks lying around so leaving it down here seems to be OK.

Liam goes for a bit of paddle around before dusk. Justine and I think about a swim, we even wade thigh deep in, but the water is like ice, so cold that after a few mins our legs are so numb we can’t feel the cold!

Another great night around the fire.  I setup the Gopro on a new Tripod I’ve just purchased. I set it up on night timelapse to get a video of the night sky.   As it’s only taking a picture every 30seconds it takes hours to get a few seconds of video.   In the end I think we get 13secs before the battery runs flat.  It still looks pretty impres

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