Day 9 – Lake Burrendong

We wake and I’m surprised there’s not 10 camp sites sprung up around us overnight.  

Solar panels out to make the most of the sunny day, Given we didn’t plug in at Foster, today will be the sixth day off grid.  Given we currently don’t have the car charger too, that means we haven’t added any power while driving which we normally would do.    So far the new Batteries are a bit of a success.  

Given where we are, I think it would be OK to run the Gennie for a bit if needed, but if we can keep the solar up, I think we’ll be OK.

A relaxing morning, for the amount of people here it’s pretty quiet.   There are a lot of boats and people on Kayaks, but given we’re up the end of one of the “bays” they moving at under 8 knots so are not too noisy.

A quite an relaxing day.   In the afternoon I drive the kids back to the main part of the park and take them too the pool and the small water slide they have there.   I take the dunny with us to empty out while we’re there.  Liam lasts less than a hour, he’s ear started to hurt,  Caitlin would have kept going but as all the other kids have finished they tell her they can’t run the slide for 1 person.

A few more groups turn up during the day, but everyone still has space and while busy, it doesn’t feel crowded.

A great campfire, oh and on this, while we were told at reception fires where “only for cooking”, reading their welcome pack, apparently they are fine when there is not a fire ban, so go figure.  Looking around the lake there must be dozens of fires, one at each campsite.

As Justine was prepaired for it, tonight we are ready to see the moon rise.  We could see the red glow over the horizon,  it reminded me a bit of the sunrise at Emu Park on the big trip.  Any way another amazing moonrise.

Some yummy pizzas, cooked on the weber for dinner, I’d say one of the best we’ve made.  

The kids watch a movie, but I stay outside and watch the fire.

The last 24hrs have been power neutral, at 6pm yesterday we had 72% charge, it went down to 55% overnight, and today at 6pm we’re back to 72%, so with the 2 panels going all day in good light we’re even, hopefully with the 3 panels we should be able to get back to a full charge and with this we could last several overcast days.  

One Reply to “Day 9 – Lake Burrendong”

  1. That looks like a nice uncrowded flat spot, good space for the fire pit too.
    I have had a lovely blog binge this morning, thanks Darren, once again I am having my armchair holiday adventure.

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