Day 119 – Ceduna to Streaky Bay

Caitlin has a slightly better night, so we think the fever has basically broken, so we’ll head off today.

We have 400km over the next two days to do so we can be in Port Lincoln on Thursday afternoon. I’ve found a couple of campsites that look good. Our first world trouble is one is about 100km from Ceduna, the other is about 100km from Port Lincoln. So a either a bigger drive today or tomorrow.

We do a short detour into Smokey Bay, the fact that anyone swimming is doing so in the netted area (and that they advertise shark dives here), give us the indication we may not be swimming in any beaches today.

Then onto Streaky Bay, which Liam observes both town seems to indicate a type of Bacon (his favourite food group)

It’s windy down here, we haven’t seen wind like this since W.A.

We figure we’ll do a drive by of the site outside Streaky Bay, if it’s no good we’ll move on….

The site looks great, only it’s blowing a gale. Every chance the next site would be the same, so we’ll take this location.

Given it’s not that late we drive to a couple of beaches in the area and do some exploring. The kids, particularly Liam, love climbing over the rock, so it a great antidote to the lethargic day that was yesterday. Particularly great was “The Granites” where the water was pretty calm.

Finally we camp up and explore the local beach. It’s windy, but surprising the water is not really that cold. The kids have fun playing around the water and the rocks. I thought we might have had the site to ourselves, another van end up pulling up a 100m or so up the road. I guess another first world problem.

Given the wind, there is no chance of the weber keeping up, so we improvise an indoor dinner. We let the kids watch a movie, we’re all still adjusting to SA time, so they are in bed just before dark.

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