Day 7 – Paddys River to Walwa

A beautiful morning and under normal circumstance we would have stayed another night.  It’s not really the place you can run a gennie for hours, and quite frankly I’m not sure how long it would take to charge everything backup.    Nothing for it, but to visit a Caravan park and recharge.  It’s about halfway through the trip so a load or two of washing needs to be done anyway.

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Day 2 – Blowering Dam Loop

We wake up to a still morning.  It’s a bit chilly in the van, but it really nice out in the sun.   As we breakfast, we can see at least two other groups are packing up.   It’s such a nice spot we decide to stay for another night.   After all we trying to slow down the pace a bit on this trip.   I suggest we leave the van, and drive up to the dam wall.   The wall is about 15-20km back towards Tumut. 

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Day 1 – Home to Tumut

As this is meant to be a relaxed getaway with no real plan, we decide to pack up slowly on Saturday and get away on Sunday morning.  So, Sunday we’re up at 7 and we hit the road south by about 9am.   The traffic is light and we make pretty good time.   A quick stop at the Yass service centre for fuel and we arrive in Tumut around 2.  

We duck into the Tourist information centre.  They don’t have loads of info, but to confirm a visit to the Yarrangobilly Caves would be in order.  They also advise that one of the roads in the national park will be closed till the weekend. I had thought about taking it next week, but they suggested taking a van over it might not be a good idea.  There are a few roads down here that seem to be limited like that.

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