Day 65 – Lake Argyle to Wyndham

I’m having trouble adjusting to WA time and after a latish night do not want to get up in the morning. That and I’m not feeling great, some form of cold. It started with Caitlin a few days ago, then Liam, now it seems I’ve got it.

We drive up to the Dam wall for a final look, then return to the park, hitch up the van and head off.

We’ll go to Kununurra, get some supplies and head off to Wyndham, for a look. The main reason is the five rivers lookout, but as the ABC mini-series “Mystery Road” was filmed there Justine’s keen to see the town.

We drive through the fairly small town, then into the van park, there are a few other vans here, but some of them are permanent residence. We unhitch and drive into the “port”, a bit like Kurumba, the town and the port are separate. We drive past the museum, which the van park manager said “It’s closed, but you can get the key from the police station and have a look if you like”

There is not a lot here now.

After a swim in the van parks small, but for a change, refreshingly cool swimming pool. We head up to the five rivers lookout.

The BOM Wyndham rain radar has been offline for a few days, as we arrive we see a tradie locking up the gate to the radar station that is on the hill, sure enough we check again and it’s back online. It must have needed a reboot.

The view is pretty amazing, and as per usual these past week or so, the storms are circling and we don’t see a great sunset, but we do see another amazing light show. A few rock wallabies turn up, I’m suspecting they are used to a feed here.

2 Replies to “Day 65 – Lake Argyle to Wyndham”

  1. I hope you weren’t disappointed with the lookout. When I was a kid the only town that was marked on maps and atlases in the NW of Australia was Wyndham and I always wondered about this very isolated place. It has quite a history and its worth saying you’ve been there. Many years ago I was doing a 4WD trip with 2 other fellas…we were all 18 and it was 1975…and we met another 4Wdriver in Rockhampton and he said he was gonna drive up Cape York to the tip. He had already done the trip several times. We asked what’s the appeal, and he said nothing…that’s the appeal. So, the 3 of us took his advice and did the drive…he was right about the nothing, and it was sooo worth it. I believe driving Stuart Highway from Port Augusta to Darwin also has the same appeal. There is nothing like the subtle changes that occur on long trips in Australia, especially in certain regions. But you gotta keep your eyes open, otherwise you’ll miss it. The Great Northern Highway between the East and West Kimberley could be included also. Maybe you’d like to suggest the Plenty ‘Highway’.

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