Day 73 – Broome Day 3

There should be things to do today, but I’m just not into it.
I’ve got a 3pm flight to Perth then the redeye back to Sydney. I should get up to Newcastle around lunchtime tomorrow (Sunday).
Justine drops me off at the airport.

The flight to Perth is thankfully uneventful. I arrive at Perth airport to at around 5pm, to find then next scheduled flight is not till 11pm, and it’s my flight to Sydney. The domestic terminal is deserted. Fortunately there appear to be one or two international flights so I can at least get something to eat from the international terminal.

Resigned, I get to the boarding gate around 6…only 4+ hours to kill. A movie and some reading and around me the gate lounge starts to fill. Finally at 10:30 we’re called to board and I’m pretty sure the woman who I stand up in front of think I’m pushing in. “Listen, I’ve been here since 6, you can take your turn”….. I think, but of course don’t say. I pretty much get the evil eye all the way to the boarding gate.

I get to my seat aisle seat and there is a young woman in the window…. Please let there be a free seat between us. The final passengers board and …nup, some big bloke, drops in the middle seat. This is going to be a great flight.

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