Watagans 2024 – Day 2

A lot of rain overnight, it was pretty noisy with the rain hitting tarp, but we’re 100% dry under here.

Like a lot of campsites, a couple came in very late last night with a rooftop tent, but they are already packed up and leaving, I guess they didn’t bother booking. 

Breaky and as the morning wears on we see patches of blue sky starting to appear.

There are a couple of walks here, one is closed due to rock slips that have occurred recently, but the main walk down to Gap Creek falls is open.

The sign has it as 1hr return, moderate with Steep with Step, not sure I like the sound of that, but we venture off anyway.

The first part is not too bad and there are some nice rock formations.  We come to a fork in the road.  The forest walk straight ahead is closed off, but the falls walk to the left is open.  Pretty soon the track starts getting steep and eventually the steps start.  Mnn this will be fun on the way back out.

Then we see the falls, they are pretty spectacular.  Not huge amounts of water, considering the rain, but still pretty impressive.  We end up being here for 20mins or so admiring the area (well that and psyching myself up for the walk out!).

We start the walk back out, it’s not too bad, but I do need to stop pretty regularly to catch my breath and let my legs recover.

After a bit of rest, we go for a drive to a lookout that’s meant to be just above us.  We’ve heard the odd “Cooee” echoing around the valley. To get to it though, we need to drive back to the main forest road so it’s quite a few k’s away.

The lookout, while nice is nothing too special.  We continue on to a few more lookout in the area, the main one, Heatons lookout is pretty impressive.

We go hunting for McLeans lookout, as we drive I see one of the Forestry campgrounds, I needed had been worried, there is no one here.  I somehow miss the turnoff to the lookout and soon we’re at a road sign that suggest road through to Quorrobolong is close due to rock slips.   Consulting the map again I can see the road was back at the campsite, so not too much of diversion.

Liam’s had enough so we give the circle walking track a miss and head back to camp.

A lazy afternoon, a bit of reading.  Everything is still soaked, so regardless of the sign, I’m going to have a campfire tonight, but I leave it till dusk to light this time.    I can see the bloke down in the bottom section has lit one too.

Around this time a truck come driving in, we can just see the road below us.  Seems odd at this time of night.   They don’t come into the campground, but seem to have parked up in the day area.  While not super rowdy I can hear a number of guys talking and mucking around…. Odd.

Dinner and great fire and then bed.  I’ve got to say again, the car setup is now working so well.

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