Day 5 – Coming Home

A nice warm night.  We wake and think there may be some snow around, but no.  What little snow we had yesterday is pretty much gone now.   So we realty got a bit lucky yesterday with the timing.

A slow packup and a few things we had outside are quite wet, include the things under the van.  I packed the chairs and stuff on the roof platform, they should dry on the way home.

We pull out around 9:30 and head towards Cooma.   There is quite a bit of water on the road, and while we don’t think there will be any ice, towing has by full attention.

About an hour later, we arrive at Cooma and drop the snow gear off.  The whole process was quicker than expected.

The single lane road to all the way back to Canberra is chockas with traffic, and the few overtaking opportunities are all up hill, so that counts me out.

As it’s the final Sunday of the school holidays, the roads are super busy the whole way up the Hume, but I was expecting worse.

Finally around 4 we arrive home.

We got really lucky with the weather, I’m so glad we took the opportunity to get down there, even if it was all very last minute.  The kids had a ball.

The campground was pretty good and I think the experience was better than the family expected.   I’m so chuffed we got some snow in the campground yesterday, maybe not up to Garston (NZ) standards, but still pretty cool to just be in it.

Given we didn’t need to fork our practically anything on accommodation, it was a pretty cheap trip to the snow.

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